The purification process of "BS Aqua" is aligned with our policy to offer high quality pure drinking water to our customers. Our unique and scientific process helps in filtering raw water off its impurities thereby producing clean water as our end product. Our filtration process takes place in our mineral water plant and is explained below as follows:
1. Raw water is carefully collected from ground water for the pre-treatment process. Water is chlorinated for pre-treatment and left at that for four hours before it is taken for further purification.
2. Then the pretreated water undergoes through softner to reduce calcium and magneium solt.
3. Then it undergoes the sand filtration process, this helps in removing impurities and Iron present in the water. It’s called Iron Remover.
4. After the sand filtration, the water is put through activated carbon filtration where the bad odor and colour get absorbed.
5. Then water is taken through the micron filter to absorbed any remaining impurities Water is put through a high pressure pump that is sent through the reverse osmosis process where the chemicals and minerals present in the water is broken down and the concentration of the same reduces drastically thus providing pure water.
6. On completion of the reverse osmosis, the disinfection process takes place where water is once again put through 0.2 & 0.1 micron filtration one after the other – this helps in absorbing any remaining carbon and other water impurities. This has the capability of removing any particles that are small as 0.1 microns. It also helps in removing any potential micro biological contaminants.
7. After this process we add Minerals to the purified water.
8. Water then is offered UV sterilization – this provides additional water disinfection After UV filtrations is done, water is taken through pipes to the final tank In the final tank, water is put through Ozonisation which is the third disinfection process after micron and UV filtrations. This is done with the help of highly reactive form of oxygen.
On the completion of this process, mineral water is ready to be packed and distributed as packaged drinking water and water cans.